The consistency of this text is quite good. The examples were up-to-date, for example, discussing the fact that Google conducts experiments in which different users are given search results in different ways to compare the effectiveness of the presentations. "Data" is sometimes singular, sometimes plural in the authors' prose. The student-facind end, while not flashy or gamified in any way, is easy to navigate and clear. It would be nice to have an e-book version (though maybe I missed how to access this on the website). Statistical methods, statistical inference and data analysis techniques do change much over time; therefore, I suspect the book will be relevant for years to come. Also, non-parametric alternatives would be nice, especially Monte Carlo/bootstrapping methods. They authors already discussed 1-sample inference in chapter 4, so the first two sections in chapter 5 are Paired Data and Difference of Means, then they introduce the t-distribution and go back to 1-sample inference for the mean, and then to inference for two means using he t-distribution. Therefore, while the topics are largely the same the depth is lighter in this text than it is in some alternative introductory texts. There are chapters and sections that are optional. Most essential materials for an introductory probability and statistics course are covered. For 24 students, the average score is 74 points with a standard deviation of 8.9 points. This text does indicate that some topics can be omitted by identifying them as 'special topics'. The basics of classical inferential statistics changes little over time and this text covers that ground exceptionally well. This keeps all inference for proportions close and concise helping the reader stay uninterrupted in the topic. There is more than enough material for any introductory statistics course. The drawback of this book is that it does not cover how to use any computer software or even a graphing calculator to perform the calculations for inferences. OpenIntro Statistics 4th Edition by David Diez, Christopher Barr, Mine etinkaya-Rundel: 250: Join Chegg Study and get: Guided textbook solutions created by . Navigation as a PDF document is simple since all chapters and subsection within the table of contents are hyperlinked to the respective section. The odd-numbered exercises also have answers in the book. This was not necessarily the case with some of the tables in the text. Building on the basic statistical thinking emphasized in an introductory course, a second course in statistics at the undergraduate level can explore a large number of statistical methods. This may allow the reader to process statistical terminology and procedures prior to learning about regression. This book was written with the undergraduate level in mind, but it's also popular in high schools and graduate courses. The topics are in a reasonable order. I do wonder about accessibility (for blind or deaf/HoH students) in this book since I don't see it clearly addressed on the website. I feel that the greatest strength of this text is its clarity. Reviewed by Paul Goren, Professor, University of Minnesota on 7/15/14, This text provides decent coverage of probability, inference, descriptive statistics, bivariate statistics, as well as introductory coverage of the bivariate and multiple linear regression model and logistics regression. Statistics is not a subject that becomes out of date, but in the last couple decades, more emphasis has been given to usage of computer technology and relevant data. The later chapters on inferences and regression (chapters 4-8) are built upon the former chapters (chapters 1-3). The texts includes basic topics for an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. Things flow together so well that the book can be used as is. These examples and techniques are very carefully described with quality graphical and visual aids to support learning. The lack of discussion/examples/inclusion of statistical software or calculator usage is disappointing, as is the inclusion of statistical inference using critical values. by David Diez, Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Christopher Barr. I found virtually no issues in the grammar or sentence structure of the text. The content is up-to-date. This open book is licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY-SA). The examples and exercises seem to be USA-centric (though I did spot one or two UK-based examples), but I do not think that it was being insensitive to any group. The writing style and context to not treat students like Phd academics (too high of a reading level), nor does it treat them like children (too low of a reading level). The authors make effective use of graphs both to illustrate the It recognizes the prevalence of technology in statistics and covers reading output from software. The key will be ensuring that the latest research trends/improvements/refinements are added to the book and that omitted materials are added into subsequent editions. Many OERs (and published textbooks) are difficult to convert from a typical 15-week semester to a 10-week term, but not this one! The text has a thorough introduction to data exploration, probability, statistical distributions, and the foundations of inference, but less complete discussions of specific methods, including one- and two-sample inference, contingency tables, and linear and logistic regression. read more. Probability is optional, inference is key, and we feature real data whenever . One of the good topics is the random sampling methods, such as simple sample, stratified, The text is written in lucid, accessible prose, and provides plenty of examples for students to understand the concepts and calculations. This book covers almost all the topics needed for an introductory statistics course from introduction to data to multiple and logistic regression models. It's very fitting for my use with teachers whose primary focus is on data analysis rather than post-graduate research. The authors bold important terms, and frequently put boxes around important formulas or definitions. Extra Content. In other words, breadth, yes; and depth, not so much. This diversity in discipline comes at the cost of specificity of techniques that appear in some fields such as the importance of measures of effect in psychology. Chapter 3 covers random variables and distributions including normal, geometry and binomial distributions. I see essentially no errors in this book. There is an up-to-date errata maintained on the website. I think it would work well for liberal arts/social science students, but not for economics/math/science students who would need more mathematical rigor. Also, for how the authors seem to be focusing on practicalities, I was somewhat surprised about some of the organization of the inference sections. The formatting and interface are clear and effective. From what I can tell, the book is accurate in terms of what it covers. The textbook has been thoroughly vetted with an estimated 20,000 students using it annually. The book does build from a good foundation in univariate statistics and graphical presentation to hypothesis testing and linear regression. The approach is mathematical with some applications. It covers all the standard topics fully. And why dump Ch.6 in between with hypothesis testing of categorical data between them? There are no proofs that might appeal to the more mathematically inclined. The book has relevant and easily understood scientific questions. Journalism, Media Studies & Communications. The book appears professionally copy-edited and easy to read. The content is accurate in terms of calculations and conclusions and draws on information from many sources, including the U.S. Census Bureau to introduce topics and for homework sets. These are not necessary knowledge for future sections, so it is easy to see which sections you might leave out if there isnt time or desire to complete the whole book. Corresponding textbook Intro Stats | 4th Edition ISBN-13: 9780321825278 ISBN: 0321825276 Authors: Richard D. De Veaux, Paul F Velleman, David E. Bock Rent | Buy Alternate ISBN: 9780134429021, 9780321826213, 9780321925565, 9780321932815 Solutions by chapter Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 The chapter summaries are easy to follow and the order of the chapters begin with "Introduction to Data," which includes treatment Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel is the Director of Undergraduate Studies and Assistant Professor of the Practice in the Department of Statistical Science at Duke University. The writing in this book is very clear and straightforward. OpenIntro Statistics covers a first course in statistics, providing a rigorous introduction to appliedstatistics that is clear, concise, and accessible. openintro statistics fourth edition open textbook library . There is one section that is under-developed (general concepts about continuous probability distributions), but aside from this, I think the book provides a good coverage of topics appropriate for an introductory statistics course. read more. Although accurate, I believe statistics textbooks will increasingly need to incorporate non-parametric and computer-intensive methods to stay relevant to a field that is rapidly changing. All of the calculations covered in this book were performed by hand using the formulas. There is a bit of coverage on logistic regression appropriate for categorical (specifically, dichotomous) outcome variables that usually is not part of a basic introduction. The topics are not covered in great depth; however, as an introductory text, it is appropriate. If the volunteer sample is covered also that would be great because it is very common nowadays. After much searching, I particularly like the scope and sequence of this textbook. The index is decent, but there is no glossary of terms or summary of formula, which is disappointing. We don't have content for this book yet. Since this particular textbook relies heavily on the use of scenarios or case study type examples to introduce/teach concepts, the need to update this information on occasion is real. There are also short videos for 75% of the book sections that are easy to follow and a plus for students. The chapters are well organized and many real data sets are analyzed. There is only a small section explaining why they do not use one sided tests and a brief explanation on how to perform a one sided test. More modern approaches to statistical methods, however, will need to include concepts of important to the current replicability crisis in research: measures of effect, extensive applications of power analyses, and Bayesian alternatives. There are a lot of topics covered. The only visual issues occurs in some graphs, such as on page 40-41, which have maps of the U.S. using color to show intensity. the U.K., they may not be the best examples that could be used to connect with those from non-western countries. The authors used a consistent method of presenting new information and the terminology used throughout the text remained consistent. Reminder: the 4th Edition is the newest edition. Step 2 of 5 (a) Each chapter is broken up into sections and each section has sub-sections using standard LaTex numbering. I found the book's prose to be very straightforward and clear overall. Some examples are related to United States. Register and become a verified teacher on (free!) Comes in pdf, tablet friendly pdf, and printed (15 dollars from amazon as of March, 2019). The text is accurate due to its rather straight forward approach to presenting material. Additionally concepts related to flawed practices in data collection and analysis were presented to point out how inaccuracies could arise in research. Although there are some OpenIntro Statistics is a dynamic take on the traditional curriculum, being successfully used at Community Colleges to the Ivy League all videos slides labs other OpenIntro Statistics is recommended for college courses and self-study. The text begins with data collection, followed by probability and distributions of a random variable and then finishing (for a Statistics I course) with inference. It might be asking too much to use it as a standalone text, but it could work very well as a supplement to a more detailed treatment or in conjunction with some really good slides on the various topics. There are a lot of topics covered. 3rd Edition files and information (2015, 436 pages) 2nd Edition files and information (2012, 426 pages) The text is up to date and the content / data used is able to be modified or updated over time to help with the longevity of the text. Everything appeared to be accurate. The content stays unbiased by constantly reminding the reader to consider data, context and what ones conclusions might mean rather than being partial to an outcome or conclusions based on ones personal beliefs in that the conclusions sense that statistics texts give special. Reads more like a 300-level text than 100/200-level. I believe students, as well as, instructors would find these additions helpful. The text covers the foundations of data, distributions, probability, regression principles and inferential principles with a very broad net. Fisher's exact test is not even mentioned. (e.g., U.S. presidential elections, data from California, data from U.S. colleges, etc.) It is certainly a fitting means of introducing all of these concepts to fledgling research students. It appears to stick to more non-controversial examples, which is perhaps more effective for the subject matter for many populations. OpenIntro Statistics supports flexibility in choosing and ordering topics. Reviewed by Kendall Rosales, Instructor and Service Level Coordinator, Western Oregon University on 8/20/20, There is more than enough material for any introductory statistics course. I did not see any issues with the consistency of this particular textbook. The chapter on hypothesis testing is very clear and effectively used in subsequent chapters. This book is very readable. The text covers the foundations of data, distributions, probability, regression principles and inferential principles with a very broad net. The order of the topics seemed appropriate and not unlike many alternatives, but there was the issue of the term highlight boxes terms mentioned above. The pdf is likely accessible for screen readers, though. 4th edition solutions and quizlet . This textbook is widely used at the college level and offers an exceptional and accessible introduction for students from community colleges to the Ivy League. I find this method serves to give the students confidence in knowing that they understand concepts before moving on to new material. But, when you understand the strengthsand weaknesses of these tools, you can use them to learn about the world. 2017 Generation of Electrical Energy is written primarily for the undergraduate students of electrical engineering while also covering the syllabus of AMIE and act as a However, there are some sections that are quite dense and difficult to follow. Most contain glaring conceptual and pedagogical errors, and are painful to read (don't get me started on percentiles or confidence intervals). I was able to read the entire book in about a month by knocking out a couple of subsections per day. Quite clear. That being said, I frequently teach a course geared toward engineering students and other math-heavy majors, so I'm not sure that this book would be fully suitable for my particular course in its present form (with expanded exercise selection, and expanded chapter 2, I would adopt it almost immediately). web jul 16 2016 openintro statistics fourth edition the solutions are available online i would suggest this book to everyone who has no The book used plenty of examples and included a lot of tips to understand basic concepts such as probabilities, p-values and significant levels etc. You are on page 1 of 3. Online supplements cover interactions and bootstrap confidence intervals. One of the strengths of this text is the use of motivated examples underlying each major technique. These sections generally are all under ten page in total. The supplementary material for this book is excellent, particularly if instructors are familiar with R and Latex. The text is culturally inclusive with examples from diverse industries. The text, however, is not engaging and can be dry. The final chapter (8) gives superficial treatments of two huge topics, multiple linear regression and logistic regression, with insufficient detail to guide serious users of these methods. Chapter 7 and 8 cover the linear , multiple and logistic regression. The sections seem easily labeled and would make it easy to skip particular sections, etc. Complete visual redesign. The book uses relevant topics throughout that could be quickly updated. Reviewed by Bo Hu, Assistant Professor, University of Minnesota on 7/15/14, This book covers topics in a traditional curriculum of an introductory statistics course: probabilities, distributions, sampling distribution, hypothesis tests for means and proportions, linear regression, multiple regression and logistic If anything, I would prefer the book to have slightly more mathematical notation. Many examples use real data sets that are on the larger side for intro stats (hundreds or thousands of observations). The organization of the topics is unique, but logical. "Standard error" is defined as the "standard deviation associated with an estimate" (p. 163), but it is often unclear whether population or sample-based quantities are being referred to. Overall, this is the best open-source statistics text I have reviewed. As in many/most statistics texts, it is a challenge to understand the authors' distinction between "standard deviation" and "standard error". Examples from a variety of disciplines are used to illustrate the material. The authors are sloppy in their use of hat notation when discussing regression models, expressing the fitted value as a function of the parameters, instead of the estimated parameters (pp. This book is very clearly laid out for both students and faculty. The first chapter addresses treatments, control groups, data tables and experiments. The B&W textbook did not seem to pose any problems for me in terms of distortion, understanding images/charts, etc., in print. I suspect these will prove quite helpful to students. This defect is not present here: this text embraces an 'embodied' view of learning which prioritizes example applications first and then explanation of technique. At first when reviewing, I found it to be difficult for to quickly locate definitions and examples and often focus on the material. There are a few color splashes of blue and red in diagrams or URL's. Each section is short, concise and contained, enabling the reader to process each topic prior to moving forward to the next topic. The presentation is professional with plenty of good homework sets and relevant data sets and examples. It can be considered comprehensive if you consider this an introductory text. Also, non-parametric alternatives would be nice, especially Monte Carlo/bootstrapping methods. These graphs and tables help the readers to understand the materials well, especially most of the graphs are colored figures. Reviewed by Barbara Kraemer, Part-time faculty, De Paul University School of Public Service on 6/20/17, The texts includes basic topics for an introductory course in descriptive and inferential statistics. However, I think a greater effort could be made to include more culturally relevant examples in this book. This textbook did not contain much real world application data sets which can be a draw back on its relevance to today's data science trend. The students can easily see the connections between the two types of tests. I often assign reading and homework before I discuss topics in lecture. These updates would serve to ensure the connection between the learner and the material that is conducive to learning. This textbook is widely used at the college level and offers an exceptional and accessible introduction for students from community colleges to the Ivy League. The chapters are bookmarked along the side of the pdf file (once downloaded). OpenIntro Statistics covers a first course in statistics, providing a rigorous introduction to applied statistics that is clear, concise, and accessible. The text meets students at a nice place medium where they are challenged with thoughtful, real situations to consider and how and why statistical methods might be useful. Print. The approach of introducing the inferences of proportions and the Chi-square test in the same chapter is novel. The text would surely serve as an excellent supplement that will enhance the curriculum of any basic statistics or research course. So future sections will not rely on them. The authors use a method inclusive of examples (noted with a Blue Dot), guided practice (noted by a large empty bullet), and exercises (found at end of each chapter). Overall the organization is good, so I'm still rating it high, but individual instructors may disagree with some of the order of presentation. Supposedly intended for "introductory statistics courses at the high school through university levels", it's not clear where this text would fit in at my institution. There are two drawbacks to the interface. The text is organized into sections, and the numbering system within each chapter facilitates assigning sections of a chapter. The graphs are readable in black and white also. The authors make effective use of graphs both to illustrate the subject matter and to teach students how to construct and interpret graphs in their own work. While section are concise they are not limited in rigor or depth (as exemplified by a great section on the "power" of a hypothesis test) and numerous case studies to introduce topics. The authors limit their discussion on categorical data analysis to the chi square statistic, which centers on inference rather than on the substantive magnitude of the bivariate relationship. However, to meet the needs of this audience, the book should include more discussion of the measurement key concepts, construction of hypotheses, and research design (experiments and quasi-experiments). I also particularly like that once the basics chapters are covered, the instructor can then pick and choose those topics that will best serve the course or needs of students. The only issue I had in the layout was that at the end of many sections was a box high-lighting a term. This text book covers most topics that fit well with an introduction statistics course and in a manageable format. In addition, it is easy to follow. There is also a list of known errors that shows that errors are fixed in a timely manner. OpenIntro Statistics offers a traditional introduction to statistics at the college level. In some instances, various groups of students may be directed to certain chapters, while others hone in on that material relevant to their topic. And distributions including normal, geometry and binomial distributions classical inferential statistics in,... With the consistency of this text than it is appropriate be considered comprehensive if you this... Covered in great depth ; however, as is or definitions have.! Cetinkaya-Rundel, Christopher Barr be dry answers in the text would surely serve as excellent. 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